

Today logoToday is a daily devotional that helps God’s people refresh, refocus and renew their faith through Bible reading, reflection, and prayer. Today reaches hundreds of thousands of readers seeking spiritual growth via the Web, email, print, and mobile.

Kids Corner

Kids Corner LogoGeared for children age 6—12, the weekly half-hour radio program and web site teach in a contemporary way, the wisdom and the truth of God to the issues and challenges that affect a child’s life. Through audio drama and web resources, children are not only entertained, but are helped to develop an interest in the Bible and in becoming followers of Jesus.

Think Christian

LogoThink Christian is a collaborative digital magazine that recognizes contemporary culture “ from politics to the arts, from business to science “ as falling beneath God’s sovereignty. We engage this God-owned, human-driven world by discussing what it means to live as a Christian within it.

Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA)

The Christian Reformed Church (CRC) includes just over one thousand congregations across the United States and Canada. About 75 percent of the churches are in the United States; 25 percent are in Canada. We’re one of only a few binational denominations: rather than split into different churches at the 49th parallel, we’re united.

For a list of Position Statements of the CRC denomination please click here.