
The “Dorcas Society” is a women’s group who meet 9 times per year for the sole purpose of raising funds in support of various missions. We began in March of 1961 with seven members and by the second year there were fourteen. In the early years, when money was scarce we sent bandages to a designated hospital in Nigeria. We also sent good used clothing to Korea. When postage became too costly, we sent funds directly to the missions we chose to support.

We currently have 11 members and some amazing support from our church family. They help when asked and that help is needed for some of our larger events such as the Spring Pancake Breakfast, the Fall “Stamp Pot” Supper, and in preparing and serving funeral luncheons. Among the causes we support are: World Renew, Christian Blind Mission, Mission Aviation Fellowship, and Wycliffe. We’ve also supported a sponsored student in a school in Columbia for years. From time to time we will also support local needs.

As in the early years, we continue to meet in the members’ homes and Dorcas still provides a time of fellowship and comradery, as well as fulfilling our original missional aim.

Contact members may be: Ynske Kaemingh or Wilma Wielinga.