Sunday School

Catechism – Grades 8 to 12

The grades 8-12 students meet each Sunday for Catechism classes, following the morning worship.

Senior Sunday School – Grades 2 – 7

The Sunday school program for Grades 2 to 7 meets Sunday morning following the Children’s Message and Sunday School Blessing. The curriculum used is from Faith Alive.  We try to alternate teachers each month. We are thankful for the teachers that are willing to commit their time each Sunday for a month to the students.
On the last Sunday of the month the students all go to the Emo Hospital to sing for the seniors. What a blessing this is; the seniors so clearly appreciate having the younger students singing for them. We sometimes struggle through unfamiliar songs but it doesn’t seem to take away from the moment.

Junior Sunday School – Ages 3 – Grade 1

The Junior Sunday School classes take place during the morning service. Part way through the service, children are dismissed to the Education Wing where altogether they sing, give to the collection and practice the memory verse of the month. After this the children are divided into two classes – a younger and an older class – for the Bible story and activity.  All children ages 3-6 are welcome to attend!


Your young children will be well cared for, by 3-4 volunteers, in our nursery. Children, from infant to age three (or until ready for Junior Sunday School), may play or sleep in the child care area that consists of a crib and nursing room, change room and play area.
Parents are encouraged to label the child’s belongings and fill out a brief information sheet to help us better tend to your child. The Nursery is located near the Sanctuary and parents are welcome to check on their child as needed.
